Dmitry Filippov

Product Management Expert

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Hi there and welcome!

I'm Dmitry Filippov and I'm a product management and marketing expert living in Berlin, Germany. I'm passionate about building and marketing software solutions that satisfy people's needs and achieve product/market fit. I have extensive experience for over fifteen years across product management, product marketing and software development in organizations of different sizes. I love to focus on problem-solving with measurable outcomes.


Dmitry Filippov is a seasoned product leader with extensive experience across product management, product marketing, and software development. Currently Dmitry is VP of Product at Kuda Bank — a fully licensed, regulated, microfinance bank in Nigeria bringing digital innovation to the developing market and transforming the way people use money. Previously he worked as Director of Product at Chipper, leading teams across Africa, US, Europe and Latin America building innovative, well-designed financial products for customers. Before that he worked at N26 as a Group Product Manager, taking care of Bank APIs and at JetBrains as the Head of Business Analysis and Automation, investigating customer behavior, and improving the company's core KPIs such as customer retention and activation in a data-driven way. He also worked with the PyCharm team for over six years, investigating how Python, related frameworks, technologies, and tools are being used for different types of development. Before JetBrains, he worked as a Software Developer for Oracle on Oracle Linux and Oracle VM projects and Astronautics Corporation of America on Boeing 777/787 projects.


Kuda logo
VP of Product
Kuda · Full-time
Jan 2023 - Present
Berlin, Germany · Remote
Our mission here at Kuda is to bring accessible, affordable, and rewarding banking experiences to people living in Africa and the African diaspora living abroad.
Chipper logo
Director of Product
Chipper Cash · Full-time
Nov 2020 - Jan 2023
Berlin, Germany · Remote
Our mission here at Chipper was to unlock global opportunities and connect Africa, one transaction at a time. Every day we're chipping away at the huge challenge of moving money freely across oceans and Africa. We’re lowering barriers to payments like never before and unlocking new opportunities for our customers. I led teams across Africa, US, Europe and Latin America to build innovative, well-designed products for customers.
N26 logo
Bank API Group Product Manager
N26 · Full-time
Sep 2019 - Jan 2021
Berlin, Germany
At N26 I led a group of teams working on PSD2 Open Banking, Multi-Banking, Custom/Premium APIs and partner integrations. At that time I was an official main tech contact for BaFin (German Financial Authority) on Open Banking.
JetBrains logo
Head of Business Analysis and Automation
JetBrains · Full-time
Jan 2019 - Aug 2019 · 8 mos
Munich, Germany
Leading the company-wide customer retention initiative and marketing/sales collaboration: identifying main reasons for customer churn and contractions to improve processes targeting customer/user retention growth in a data-driven way. Active collaboration with the sales department on retention growth initiatives and accurate reporting with custom dashboards.
JetBrains logo
Senior Product Manager
JetBrains · Full-time
Sep 2016 - Jan 2019 · 2 yrs 5 mos
Munich, Germany
Leading PyCharm product management activities: Python developers market research; competitor analysis and technology research; roadmaps; usability research, user interviews and surveys; coordinating release activities; helping with QA and tech support; product documentation improvements; product-oriented content creation and coordination of a dedicated team: a dev advocate, a product marketing manager and a tech writer
JetBrains logo
Product Marketing Manager
JetBrains · Full-time
Jan 2013 - Sep 2016 · 3 yrs 9 mos
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Leading product marketing activities for PyCharm - the Python IDE for Professional Developers
Oracle logo
Software Developer
Oracle Corporation · Full-time
May 2011 - Jan 2013 · 1 yr 9 mos
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Coordination of QA across Oracle VM and Oracle Linux projects, Oracle Linux kernel automated tests development (focusing on virtualization and interoperability with Oracle VM Server), managing QA team for Oracle Linux; Oracle VM Server Documentation enhancements
Astronautics logo
Software Engineer
Astronautics Corporation of America · Full-time
Feb 2007 - May 2011 · 4 yrs 4 mos
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Linux kernel developer working on Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) for Boeing 777/787 and the Nexus platform


BSTU logo
Baltic State Technical University
Master of Technology/Engineering - MTech, MEng
2004 - 2010
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Computer Science and Automated Information Processing Systems Engineering
2024 Dmitry Filippov